Sunday, January 19, 2014

LEGO Zoo #0002: Education Stage

This playset started as a small, simple idea:  a zoo educator ("docent" in zoo lingo) standing at a podium in front of guests on benches.  As you will see, it got much, much bigger.

Today docent Andrea is giving an animal presentation at the education stage to a pretty full audience.

Right now Andrea is presenting Conor, a sun conure (Aratinga solstitialis) native to South America.  Although they are popular in the pet market, very little is known about sun conure behavior in the wild.  Like most parrots, conures subsist on a diet of fruit, so Andrea has grapes on hand to keep Conor occupied while she talks.

This audience is way more invested in the talk than they would be in real life.  Believe me.

Behind the partition is the backstage area where other presentation animals wait for their turn on stage.

In the birdcage is a white zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), the result of a genetic mutation that makes this plumage pattern a valuable find among finch breeders.

The stage's roof is layered with palm thatch to add an exotic feeling.

Animals and minifigures:
American bullfrog, zebra finch, sun conure
Andrea, Sean, Michelle, Dylan, Edith, Timmy

Created with LEGO Digital Designer

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