Monday, February 25, 2013

In the beginning...

God created the heavens and the earth.  This statement is among the most eloquent sentences ever used to begin a written work, but it is an especially fitting beginning for this blog.

I have often been encouraged to create a blog that allows others to glimpse my experiences as I plunge further into the world of zoos through my education and career.  I have been loathe to do so in the past because I felt (as I still partially do) that zoo work is not nearly so interesting as people might be inclined to think, and many of the most interesting things I have experienced have occurred "behind the scenes", an area about which many zoos prohibit online discussion.  Nonetheless, looking back on my progress so far, I realize how little I can remember, and I see the value, even if only for myself, of keeping some record of my experiences and thoughts over time.

So, how is Genesis 1:1 an apt preface to an online record of my career in zoos?  Simply because I believe the statement to be true, and that belief motivates all of my interactions with animals, zoos, and the natural world.  I believe that humans are tenants on rented land, and that dominion over the earth does not mean subjugation but rather responsibility.  I believe that we are called to be responsible stewards of the natural world over which we have been appointed, and that the extinction of a species constitutes a permanent loss to the diversity of creation,  From such a perspective, the role of zoos seems clear:  Zoos foster responsible treatment of other species by displaying the diversity of life, promoting methods of species conservation, and setting a positive example of responsible animal husbandry.

I will be more specific as to the details of my journey into the zoo in future, but I feel that it is important, both for myself and others, to lay down the one belief that fuels it all.  I hope my readers will find things to interest, amaze, or provoke deep thoughts on this exploration into my increasingly zoo-themed life.